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Re: Barn Raising-ideas

Posted by: t88 <t88@...>

>>Timesheet database - data entry for time recording against
>>tasks/projects collected into a database for time spent on projects
>>Anybody else with some good ideas they are prepared to share with the

I was going to write part of this myself in the future (the first feature),
but howabout:

*A Simpletext replacement program that opens JPEG's, GIF's, PICT's and
Photoshop format graphics _without_ Quicktime conversions having to be done
first as the current SimpleText has to do now, excepting PICTs.

*In the simpletext program: Spell Checker, simple HTML coder, maybe even an
FTP client to upload the pages and grab them too.

*Quicktime movie viewer and editor too would be cool. Along the lines of
MoviePlayer's editing level.

*QuickTime Movie to animated GIF.

*Import the above mentioned graphics formats and export as another.

*Filetyper and creator changer feature. Easy.

*Ability for the application to be started up in lieu of SimpleText when
SimpleText files are doubleclicked. Little BNDL/Creator manipulation?

*Maybe a simple offline HTML viewer as well. I am always wanting something
that can just view what is on my hard drive without having the behemoth
Navigator or Explorer fire up.

*Maybe not in this application, but something that can download all the
text and graphics from any WWW site designated. A download _all_ images
type thing. When there is a page with pictures, it is a pain to have to
grab them all separately.

"ImageBot" could get them all. Would need a "limit to local links" thingie
so it doesn't go miles away chasing offsite links. There was a program that
did this with Netscape, but it was unreliable. I wish Netscape or Explorer
had a "Download Page and All Images" choice for any given page. This would
be good for babe sites or other picture sites, as well as those sites like
Paul Bourke's 3D modeling and rendering treasure trove where a lot of the
formula's and code on a page are in the form of GIF's.

By the way, a lot of a good text editor is aready available to those who
have bought Ross's FB PowerPak.

Robert Covington