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Re: Barnraising ideas

Posted by: BMichael <BMichael@...>

Just a thought... rather than trying to define our own "world beating"
application, which would be a rather large project, with all the problems
that entails, and which might or might not get any attention for FB...
and rather than trying to "preach to the choir" with tools for those who
are _already_ FB programmers...

On MacWay, there are _always_ postings from folks who are looking for
"vertical market" applications, to solve one particular need. For
example, someone might post wanting a program for designing woven
baskets, for use in their Basketweaving 101 class. _IF_ there are enough
people here interested in actually contributing some time and/or code, we
could answer some of those requests with an offer to write the app, at no
charge. It'd only take one or two of those, with the results posted back
to MacWay, to get _plenty_ of attention for our group, thus for FB!

Reactions, anyone?
