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Re: BJU geography

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

Hi Deanna,

I always buy the whole thing, teachers packet, tests, workbooks etc, and don't use them
well at least not with any regularity. I mostly make up our own tests as we may cover things
not in the book or skip some stuff in the book that I don't think I need to test on.
The teachers packet or book has soom good information, but you can find things on line just
as easily.
What I do is read the chapter one day ahead of the children, then look for things to make it more
interesting if need be. I use lots of ideas from the book by Laura Berquist "Designing Your Own
Classical Curriculum" It is a Roman Catholic book and we are not Catholic but has some great
ideas and outlines to be used.

Hope that helps.
When my oldest one took a government class in college she got 100 on all her test and the
teacher asked her about that and what her backgorund was and when she told him BJU books
he told her he thought that the student he has had that went through school using them, had
a real edge on everyone else.
I sound like a saleman for BJU
and I am not, really!

Just they have worked well for us so far.

heading for bed,