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Re: [CONCERT] Speaking of less than impressive bassists....

Posted by: weeks <weeks@...>

> I saw the Moody Blues a week ago, but in the melee that was last week,
> I didn't have the time or incentive to post my observations.


> But, he did have his obscenely tight leather rock pants on.

Well dAN, that's all that matters isn't it? I know when I did my Honky
Tonk Angels play that I wore leather pants each night and no matter how
bad I played, I always got attention - either in the form of "Hey dude,
you rock!" or getting flirted with (NOT flattering, this was musical
theatre, nothing else need be said).

It's interesting though - it seems that the worse the bass player the
more flamboyant he is (Bootsy and Flea are NOT included in that
statement). But that generalization definately is true of the local

Wait, scrap all that, I just remembered what my closet looks like.

- James

"I will always remember the day Rene Descartes died.  We had just
finished a wonderful meal and were sitting around plotting our next move
over coffee.  The waitress came up and asked, "More Coffee?"  Descartes
replied, "I think not."   And just disappeared right before my eyes."