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Re: Father's Day: Father-son relationship difficulties

Posted by: basswulf <basswulf@...>

Rik <> wrote:

> I need some advice...

It's certainly a tough situation. Easy answers aren't likely to hold
the weight of it and harder answers can't be driven in from a

As one of the not-too-overworked (*) list moderators, I'd gently
remind people not to get carried away with typing up detailed answers,
or certainly not for sending to the list as a whole. Do pray and do
offer support to our much loved brother but don't feel that you need
to include all of us in your reply any more than you need to tell us
exactly what passes between you and our heavenly Father as you pray.

God's peace and wisdom to all,


(*) ... at least by the demands of ChurchBass

Wulf Forrester-Barker