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Re: {GEAR} 1x12 or 1x10 cabinet for rehearsals

Posted by: basswulf <basswulf@...>

Bill <> wrote:

> I have an Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 which I use with either 2 1x10 Eden
> cabinets or a combination of Epifani 1x12 and 2 x10 cabinets.
> I would like to use the head with only one really light cabinet like the
> 1x10 Eden for rehearsals, but the sounds gets really thin. Any suggestions
> – another type of 1x12 or 1x10 cabinet – other ideas?

Would it work with just the 1x12? I don't know what the ratings are on
the cabs but, from your description of how you pair the cabs, I'd
guess each probably has an 8 ohm rating and you can *probably*
interchange them.

It also depends how loud your rehearsals are. If they really need to
be loud, you probably need to live with two cabs (or perhaps look for
a 15?). If the volume isn't too high, how does it work using EQ to
thicken up the sound? There are physical limits to how much you can
create the illusion of a phat sound when you are facing real world
physics but you can do a lot more in a low volume situation than when
you need to crank up the power to really move some air.


Wulf Forrester-Barker