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Re: [help] digest mode

Posted by: timv <timv@...>

I assume that you are using Outlook. Outlook as a problem with how it
presents MIME digests. They are working on a new version of the list
server software that will allow you to use the News reader interface in
Outlook to read the list. This should solve the problem. I'll let you
know when it is ready -- should only be a few more days.

Send me your list of addresses and tell me which you want to keep. I'll
fix up your subscription.


At 01:23 PM 11/14/2003, you wrote:
>Since the change to, I've only received e-mails
>with the postings as attachments to e-mails. I have to open each attachment
>to read that post. Is this the only way to get Churchbass in digest mode?
>I've also managed to get two subscriptions to churchbass and seem to have
>trouble unsubscribing from either. Any help should be addressed to me at
> and will be greatly appreciated.
>Guy (Ihopethisgoesthrough) Miller
>To unsubscribe, send ANY message to <>
>To unsubscribe from digests, send ANY message to
> <>

Timothy VanFosson, Manager E-mail:
Computing Services, Web Master WWW:
Center for Computer-Aided Design US Mail: The University of Iowa
Phone: (319) 335-6298 208 ERF
FAX: (319) 384-0542 Iowa City, Iowa 52242

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit
his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?