Re: {MUSIC} Evil Music?
Quote from Forum Archives on October 31, 2003, 3:22 pmPosted by: grahamhollebon <grahamhollebon@...>
> On a fun note, my 10 month old son, Ben, gets to go trick or treating for
> the first time tonight! I probably won't take him to any houses but
> instead let him walk around and look at everyone's costumes (we regularly
> get over 300 at Halloween). I wanted to dress him up as a midget (cigar,
> mustache, etc) but my wife bought a Pooh costume that is incredibly
> cute. I'm excited for daycare his teacher was wearing a cow
> suit that udderly kept his attention (duh duh doom!).I guess this might be quite controversial for some. Over here in the UK
there is quite a debate at this time of year about the merits and de-merits
of celebrating halloween. There seem to be two key arguments against it -
one that we should not encourage kids to take an interest in witches, demons
and the like (note - I am not suggesting James is!!) and secondly that trick
or treating is an imported American idea which has no cultural relevance
over here and increasingly overwhelms our own, very significant, Guy Fawkes
celebrations in a few days time on the 5th November (this is a major factor
here in Sussex in the SE of the UK where "Bonfire" is a long-standing local
tradition). I kind of support both of these views altho I don't think there
is much one can do about imported ideas from the USA particularly when so
many of them are rather good - Burger King Whoppers, NASCAR come to my mind
immediately! I'd rather my kids stayed away from the less savoury aspects of
it and neither had any hesitation in choosing to be at church tonight taking
part in a praise evening organised by their peers.Great cow joke!
Posted by: grahamhollebon <grahamhollebon@...>
> the first time tonight! I probably won't take him to any houses but
> instead let him walk around and look at everyone's costumes (we regularly
> get over 300 at Halloween). I wanted to dress him up as a midget (cigar,
> mustache, etc) but my wife bought a Pooh costume that is incredibly
> cute. I'm excited for daycare his teacher was wearing a cow
> suit that udderly kept his attention (duh duh doom!).
I guess this might be quite controversial for some. Over here in the UK
there is quite a debate at this time of year about the merits and de-merits
of celebrating halloween. There seem to be two key arguments against it -
one that we should not encourage kids to take an interest in witches, demons
and the like (note - I am not suggesting James is!!) and secondly that trick
or treating is an imported American idea which has no cultural relevance
over here and increasingly overwhelms our own, very significant, Guy Fawkes
celebrations in a few days time on the 5th November (this is a major factor
here in Sussex in the SE of the UK where "Bonfire" is a long-standing local
tradition). I kind of support both of these views altho I don't think there
is much one can do about imported ideas from the USA particularly when so
many of them are rather good - Burger King Whoppers, NASCAR come to my mind
immediately! I'd rather my kids stayed away from the less savoury aspects of
it and neither had any hesitation in choosing to be at church tonight taking
part in a praise evening organised by their peers.
Great cow joke!