Re: RE: {GEAR} Strings for Watts #021
Quote from Forum Archives on October 16, 2015, 9:11 amPosted by: lone.rhino <lone.rhino@...>
Thanks Paul...There are still a few past owners of this bass around, and I have heard from one through FaceBook already. The experimentation part has always scared me because of cost. The two at the top of the list are Elixers (recommended by one past owner, Jeff Brumley), and Thomastik tape wounds.
This bass also has some little quirks, such as a slightly floppy B string, but amazing tone. Those past owners have done some of the experimentation already. 😉
It is currently strung with rounds, but I want to get more of that standard old fretless tonality.BobOn Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 5:57 AM, Paul Bagley <> wrote:Strings, oh what a tangled mess of a subject.
Each of my basses have a different preferred set of strings. This probably has more to do with my preferences than any formula of neck wood/body wood/electronics. I generally find the best strings through experimentation. String selection for these experiments used to be colored by the recommendations of others, after many years I have my own biases built on an investment in time and money. Being a little frugal my experiments have focused primarily on discounted products.
Without knowing what kind of fretless tone you want it is difficult to make a recommendation.
That said, I currently have Boomers on both my fretless basses. This is a string I generally do not like on fretted basses - there seems to be some kind of strange upper mid sound that I do not like much when there are frets involved. On a fretless this strange upper mid peak becomes a wonderful growl that makes a fretless have a characteristic sound. You won't get a bright roundwound sound from flats. If you don't want "that" sound then these are the absolute wrong strings for you. If you want to experiment these are reasonably priced.
Hopefully there is something of value here for you. Let us know more about how you want to make the bass sound and we may be able to offer more useful advice.All the best,- Paul--
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Posted by: lone.rhino <lone.rhino@...>
There are still a few past owners of this bass around, and I have heard from one through FaceBook already. The experimentation part has always scared me because of cost. The two at the top of the list are Elixers (recommended by one past owner, Jeff Brumley), and Thomastik tape wounds.
This bass also has some little quirks, such as a slightly floppy B string, but amazing tone. Those past owners have done some of the experimentation already. 😉
Strings, oh what a tangled mess of a subject.
Each of my basses have a different preferred set of strings. This probably has more to do with my preferences than any formula of neck wood/body wood/electronics. I generally find the best strings through experimentation. String selection for these experiments used to be colored by the recommendations of others, after many years I have my own biases built on an investment in time and money. Being a little frugal my experiments have focused primarily on discounted products.
Without knowing what kind of fretless tone you want it is difficult to make a recommendation.
That said, I currently have Boomers on both my fretless basses. This is a string I generally do not like on fretted basses - there seems to be some kind of strange upper mid sound that I do not like much when there are frets involved. On a fretless this strange upper mid peak becomes a wonderful growl that makes a fretless have a characteristic sound. You won't get a bright roundwound sound from flats. If you don't want "that" sound then these are the absolute wrong strings for you. If you want to experiment these are reasonably priced.
Hopefully there is something of value here for you. Let us know more about how you want to make the bass sound and we may be able to offer more useful advice.All the best,- Paul--
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