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Re: Re: [NBC] Movie to jpeg

Posted by: aikidorat <aikidorat@...>

If you have a mac, or a friend with a mac, you can use iMovie to do this. I just did this over the weekend, in fact. picture quality is so so, but it did work.

not sure what you would need for a PC. I'll ask around and see if I can find out what would be recommended

On Monday, November 03, 2003, at 08:54AM, Tom Boyles <> wrote:

>I believe Adobe After Effects can do this. I think what it will allow you
>to do is open the movie and it will separate it out in frames and then you
>can select a frame to save as a JPG file. It's been a while since I've used
>it, but if I remember correctly, it'll allow that and I believe the trial
>version on Adobe's web site will also allow full functionality for 30 days.