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Re: Re:{TECHNIQUE} Sweaty hands

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

It is a major problem for me.
I have a small bottle of baby power in my gig bag. I also use Fender's neck
and string cleaner/lube.

I once had, but lost, a gymnist's rosin bag, which worked better than the
baby powder. The chaulk bars found in pool halls also works well and can
easily fit into round Tupperware like jars.

I am sorry to say I sweat profusely. Even when i was in peak fighting form
in the dojo, I would sweat so bad that the area on the floor around my feet
was known as "Lake Sempei".

Ugly, hairy (except the chrome dome) pudgy, sweaty
and yet, God still seems to love me.
Go figure.

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