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Re: {THEOLOGY} Perfectionism (was Re: Spirit in the Sky)

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

>From: "Wulf Forrester-Barker" <>

>That would be 'christian perfectionism', which I believe
>has been taught even in some mainstream

It all seems centered on the two sentences of 1John3:6;

"No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has
either seen him or known him."

Most scholars I have read will say this refers not to perfectionism, which
is not attainable on earth, but rather how the believer's life is
characterized not by sin but by doing what is right. Does this mean
perfectionism in intent and attitude, rather than action?

One can not base any idea on a single verse. This, for instance, has to be
tempered with John writing previously 1JOHN1;5-10


Got a phone call last night from the drummer of this prospective band. I
stated before his in-laws and his wife are educated and ordained for
ministry. They are gathering this afternoon (Sunday) for
music/worship/fellowship. They tell me they are lacking only a bass to make
a complete band and also think it would be nice to have another guitar. They
have an old house which is slowly being rebuilt into a church by a couple of

Something for which he has been in prayer; There are many camp grounds,
holiday parks and travel trailor parks here. This is an outdoors recreaction
area. Those which are priavtely owned are always interested in having bands
come in and doing some sort of worship service each Sunday. I did this a
couple of years ago with another band and have thought hard on doing it
again. At one time there was a 120' schooner docked at the Manteo Town docks
which did day tours of the area waters. The captain and his wife are
believers and did ministry each Sunday on board. I was part of that, doing
drama, music and clown pantomime. The past two gigs I did with "THE SONHINE
GANG" I did about 5 minutes of witness based stand-up comedy which went over
better than I had imagined. The three of us have been privately thinkibng of
doing this sort of thing. Here is now an opertunity for 3 like minded and
experienced people to develop a music ministry. At the moment, no other
bands are doing this here.

Past failures have come from team members failing to come to terms with the
distance of travel each Sunday and how it seperates one from family. One
team leader finally yelled out at a planning meeting, "I never get to
worship!" For me, leading worship is worship. I have good support in the
form of someone who can take care of my babies. Dana is in the same position
and James has no children. I don't anticipate this being a problem again.

We have 6 months until the next tourist season starts. One concern I have is
how James and Dana are looking to me for leadership. I do not see myself as
qualified but they tell me they are comfortable when i wear the "hat." It's
good to know there are a couple of ordained ministers on board and willing
workers, plus an already in place country band. The members of the "SONSHINE
GANG" have all stated they want to have a rock style band in tow for the
younger people.

Çetin Basaran
**** **** **** ****
"vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit"

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