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RE: A fatal exception OE has occured at 0187:BFF83C29. The current application will be terminated

Posted by: Rich.Thirsk <Rich.Thirsk@...>


I'm not sure if Win98 has this (or if it would help you) but WinNT has a
program called Dr. Watson (C:WINNTsystem32Drwtsn32.exe) that
automatically logs information in a text file (C:WINNTdrwtsn32.log) giving
details of the each exception (details: assembly lang. instructions
surrounding the one causing the exception, stack back trace, active tasks,
etc.). If the *.log file can be found you may want to look at it with
Notepad or Wordpad to see if you can get some info that may give a clue as
to resolution.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Shoemaker[]

Here's the error:

"A fatal exception OE has occurred at 0187:BFF83C29. The current
application will be terminated."