Re: BOOTMGR is Missing
Quote from Forum Archives on May 9, 2017, 9:04 pmPosted by: popozark <popozark@...>
Essential the drive cant read itself.The bootmgr is a windows program that tells it where to find the info to boot.
Two questions?
Did you delete some files before shutting down?
What OS is on the drive?
Check here for possible ways to fix it.
At 03:01 PM 5/9/2017, you wrote:
>In trying to start one of my computers I get the message "BOOTMGR IS
>MISSING, Press CTR + Alt+Delete to Restart.
>I have done this a dozen times and the system seems to try to boot
>but reverts back to that same message over and over.
>I then shut down the system with Power button and tried to boot in
>the normal fashion. Still get the message.
>Need your thoughts please on my next move. I don't have a clue.
>Thanks for any and all thoughts, ideas, suggestions, etc.
>-- Questions asked, and answers provided in this email list may be
>published in a special column in Christian Computing Magazine. CCMag
>has now gone digital, and also has started a sister publication
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><mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
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Pine Bluff, AR SL 82
Posted by: popozark <popozark@...>
The bootmgr is a windows program that tells it where to find the info to boot.
Two questions?
Did you delete some files before shutting down?
What OS is on the drive?
Check here for possible ways to fix it.
At 03:01 PM 5/9/2017, you wrote:
>In trying to start one of my computers I get the message "BOOTMGR IS
>MISSING, Press CTR + Alt+Delete to Restart.
>I have done this a dozen times and the system seems to try to boot
>but reverts back to that same message over and over.
>I then shut down the system with Power button and tried to boot in
>the normal fashion. Still get the message.
>Need your thoughts please on my next move. I don't have a clue.
>Thanks for any and all thoughts, ideas, suggestions, etc.
>-- Questions asked, and answers provided in this email list may be
>published in a special column in Christian Computing Magazine. CCMag
>has now gone digital, and also has started a sister publication
>Christian Audio/Visual. Subscriptions to both magazines are now
>FREE, and you can sign up by visiting
><> < To subscribe, send ANY
>message to:
><mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]
>To unsubscribe, send ANY message to:
><mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]
Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
mailto:[email protected]
Pine Bluff, AR SL 82