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Re: ClipTrack?

Posted by: dwmartens <dwmartens@...>

Have you seen:  ?
The 1st item, called Ditto, at , sounds like it might have some of the features you mentioned. Another one I see at  looks possibly hopeful.

When I checked for ClipTrack, I got ads for tack strips for bulletin boards. I've played with clipboard managers only a little through the years, so don't have any definitive recommendations.

The $35 utility at  looks like it has long-term memory features as well.

Hope this helps, but maybe you've already seen these.


On 5/30/2017 8:08 AM, Mike Meyers via ccmag wrote:
I had a background program long ago that saved everything copied to to the clipboard to a log, then selected clips could be moved to an archive list, I think it was called ClipTrack.  I miss it, there's a lot I think might be worth a second thought but there's so much and and sometimes later I realize it was something that deserved further attention.   Yikes, maybe I’m getting elderlyest!  Anyway, does anyone see something like this?

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