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Re: Hedge Trimmer Post

Posted by: ccmag <ccmag@...>

Thanks for digging this up, I would never have been able to read this once again as those hard drives etc have bit the dust years ago.
Probably due to the passing of time this brought back lots of memories from all those that were on this list back in the day.
I actually laughed out loud more than once not having seen it again since it was originally posted.
Thanks for the memories and all your 
funny comments.
Best regards,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 5, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Norm Fisher <> wrote:

I'm not going to bother trying to correct the formatting .. here's from my archives.
To: "ccmagazine" <ccmagazine@XC.Org>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 13:51:18 EST
Subject: Was Re: Directory problem - Now Sound question

In a message dated 11/27/98 9:39:55AM CSTime, writes:

> On Fri, 27 Nov 1998 09:32:30 EST, you wrote:
>> I have never seen this problem on the list before.
> Buck, there are several threads on the Win98 newsgroups right now that
> deal with similar issues. Seems to be not too uncommon.
> Best wishes,
> Paul
> =-=-=

Thanks, Paul.  You know what they say - misery loves company, so it's
nice (?)
to know that I am not the only one on the planet with the problem.
Now, I don't mean to change the subject before it is even solved but when
booted up the computer in DOS mode I found something interesting.  For
I have been without sound and nothing that Gateway or folks here on the
suggests seems to work.  So I had sort of resigned myself to the fact
sound isn't everything <grin>.  However, now I see this info on my screen
as I
booted to DOS:

ENSONIQ AudioPCI Intialization Driver, Version 2.55
Copyright (c) etc, etc.......................

Self-Configuring PCI Resources....
error: Could not configure AudioPCI Port.
         AudioPCI driver NOT loading.


I have a feeling that somewhere in there is the solution to my long
sound problem.  Do you agree?  If so, could I have a few suggestions if
was your system.  Under Device Mgr I had checked and it indicated that
driver(s) in question were installed and everything was OK.  Guess there
is a
difference in the terms "dirvers installed" and "drivers loaded".


Sender: bounce-ccmagazine-93193@XC.Org
To: "ccmagazine" <ccmagazine@XC.Org>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 19:57:03 EST
Subject: FYI: Update - Directory and Sound problems

Where do I start?  You're not going to believe what happened so it
doesn't matter.  OK, one of the suggestions to solve my directory problem
involved booting up in DOS mode.  When I did you may recall, from an
post, that this opened up an old wound - my sound problem, actually lack
sound, since the info on the DOS screen indicated that "AudioPCI driver
loading".  I was awaiting ideas from the list at point.  But please
the request on ideas on the sound problem, because none you could come up
can possibly top this.  About noon today I was advised that the hedges in
front of the house were about to get a trimming (the name of the trimee
be omitted to protect the innocent).  At this point I went back to the
About an hour later a call advised that the trmee had accidentally cut
extension cord with the electric trimmers and blew all the breakers in
house.  He proceeded to the breaker box and turned all the circuits back
He was concerned as to what problems this break in the power would cause
my computers, both of which were running at the time.  Upon arriving home
went to the room were the computers live to survey the damage, if any.
old computer was purring along as if there had never been a problem.
the newer computer (read the one with the sound/directory problems) had
what I call the DeLete and Skip Scan Disk screen on the monitor.  I call
that because I always hit L and then S and let it do it's thing.  Upon
completion of Scan Disk, the boot up continues and at the Windows splash
screen I heard something that I haven't heard since April.  You guessed
My sound is back, just like it came from the factory.  Wait until I share
solution to sound problems with Gateway - first you need a hedge that
trimming, then get someone to cut into the extension cord with the
trimmers in
order to blow the circuits in your home.  Turn all breakers back on. Then
Scan Disk and your sound will return.  When I think back and remember
Gateway sent me a replacement set of speakers and two replacement sound
I have to smile.  There the solution was right in front of me all the
Now the bad news - still can't open that Download directory mentioned
but haven't had time to try the suggestions from several of you on the
because I'm having too much fun listening to my music CD's that I haven't
heard since April.


Sender: bounce-ccmagazine-93193@XC.Org
To: "ccmagazine" <ccmagazine@XC.Org>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 13:54:47 EST
Subject: FYI: Get out the hedge trimmer
Message-ID: <>
X-Status: Read

The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away.  Looks like I will have to get out
hedge trimmer!  Can this story (saga) get any more bizarre?  You bet.
will recall that my long standing sound problem was solved a few days ago
hedge trimmer accidentally cut into the outdoor extension cord.  All
breakers in the house went down.  After running scan disk as part of boot
my sound returned.  I have really enjoyed having it back these last few
This morning at about 8:35am there was an explosion about four miles
Lavaca Bay at the Formosa Plastics Texas mega industrial plant.  I am
reluctant to put too much humor into this post as 26 plant employees went
hospitals in the area with was is being reported as mostly minor
Our home lost power for only a second and a half, but that was enough for
computers to go down (now is the time for an UPS salesperson to call).
reliable (1993 485 DX2-50V Gateway) came right back up.  The new
however, did not fair so well.  Scan disk had to be run during bootup
"Windows was not properly shut down".  When the desk top settled in I did
hear the famous Windows theme song.  So I opened a couple of MIDI, .wav,
files and, you guessed it - no sound.  Thinking I would try to duplicate
hedge trimmer thing, I rebooted into MS-DOS mode and to the C:> prompt
(that's where it was the day of the ht incident).  I hit the off switch,
waited a few minutes and turned it back on.  Sad to report, no sound.  As
Berra once said, this is all over again.
Thanks for listening.


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~~ End of great old story~~

On Tue,17Aug04 16:25:01-0500 "Gene Eshleman" <> writes:
>That was my recollection as well.
>Seeking to serve,
>Gene D. Eshleman
>--- Original Message ---
>From: "Skip Reed" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 3:31 PM
>Subject: Re: [CCMag] Hedge trimmer - very short version
>>Hmmmm Ok - Maybe I am getting older than I want to admit ...  I
>>remember the explosion part of the story but I thought that the
>>hedge trimmer either both started & corrected the problem or just
>>ended the problem ???  I tried to find my records for back on xc &
~~~~~ condensed above and snipped from here ~~~~~
D W & P J Martens

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to ccmag
In a message dated 8/26/2004 5:45:05 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
Hey, folks, look what I found!!

There a couple more messages relating to this, though
some were lost from my OLD Zipped files not wanting
to extract anymore, but this does a pretty good job of
clarifying the story.

~~ Start of great old story ~~

I can't believe you found that thread.  Maybe I should offer money or
something since I won't have to ever again try to explain a story who's details I
forgotten. Naw, forget the money offer.

I guess I could offer a short update to the "lost sound" saga of this
particular computer which I still own but rarely use.  Over time, with lots of trial
and error, I found one solution to getting the sound back on this machine was
to unplug the AC adapter power supply for about 30 minutes.  Upon plugging it
back in, on the next reboot the sound was there.  Believe it or not, probably
more than a year ago, the sound stopped once again and the unplug solution no
longer worked. So as I write this that computer still is without sound and
I've pretty much lost interest in trying to find a lasting solution. Thanks again
for digging this thing up.  As I said, it was probably funnier at the time
and falls into that "you had to be there" bin.


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Questions asked, and answers provided in this email list may be published in a special column in Christian Computing Magazine. CCMag has now gone digital, and also has started a sister publication Christian Audio/Visual. Subscriptions to both magazines are now FREE, and you can sign up by visiting
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