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Re: What are you reading right now?

Posted by: Cdnovelist <Cdnovelist@...>

I recently finished a Shaker novel, Christmas at Harmony Hill by Anne Gabhart. It was an okay read. It was Christian fiction. The Shaker beliefs leave me feeling a bit unsettled. However, Anne's books always have somebody leaving the Shaker village. The story has a pregnant woman whose husband is in the war. she needs a place to stay so the Shakers take her in. She has an aunt who is a Shaker.
Has anybody heard about the Noah movie that's supposed to come out in March 2014 - Starring Russell Crowe and Anthony Hopkins? You'll find a link to the movie trailer here:
The trailer looks awesome! Looks like it's going to be a good movie!
~Cecelia Dowdy~
Christian Fiction Author
First Mates and Milk Money - now available on Kindle and other e-readers!
Milk Money - only $1.99

In a message dated 11/15/2013 10:58:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes:

My current read (quite enjoyable, too!) is a book by Lori Hynson called “Supergal vs. God”.  It is a memoir of her coming to faith in Christ and actually turning her life over to God fully.   I actually got it free at work (I work at Moody Bible Institute) from the volunteers book table during Operation Next, so free books are sometimes the best, especially when they end up being quite delightful.  

So what about everyone else here…. What are you reading right now?

In Him,

Ruth Anne

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