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Re: [ChurchBass] {ADMIN} question

Posted by: wulf <wulf@...>

Jay <> asked:

> just wondering since every message says {ChurchBass] if
> anyone thinks we still need to tag the posts. I, for one,
> have never really liked them

I guess you could say that I'm on the tag-team...

I certainly found them useful in the past, although more
lists I'm on have started using square brackets at the
start to give the list name, making it less distinctive.

The main problem now is that with the server enforcing
[ChurchBass] at the start of every line, you end up being
quite a few characters in before getting to add the now
optional tag and so the title of the thread ends up far over
to the right.

What we really need (good natured dig coming up 😉 is
titles that are more descriptive than something generic
like "question"...

I've put {ADMIN} in my reply (probably breaking things for
everyone who uses an autothreading mail reader) but a
title like "Are subject line tags still useful" would have
been clearer.


Wulf Forrester-Barker <//<
NB. new preferred address:
[ will stop working shortly]