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Re: [ChurchBass] deals to be had

Posted by: tincanpuller <tincanpuller@...>

--- wrote:
> > DBX 163 - $80.00 is too much money for a used one.
> There is a store in the DC
> area - College Park, Maryland, that sells them used
> between $45 and 60.00
> depending upon condition and age. At $80, you should
> be getting the manual and
> the all important rack ear extender.

It did include all that and shipping. And Airfare to
DC would be considerably more that the $30--$40 saved
hunting for deeper discounts.

There's always a better deal the day after you buy
something and I applaud those to are at the right
place at the right time (every time) but personally my
time alone wouldn't justify spending another hour
chasing after that little a savings.

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where you keep your
stuff while you go
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