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RE: [ChurchBass] [HUMOR] ...just remember I'm only the messenger....

Posted by: esq53 <esq53@...>

Thanks! I needed that today! Twisted ankle... painful teeth problems and
here I am laughing... the best medicine!

C h e e r s,

Get it? He's my newt! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Gene Simons -
Everyone lives life on the edge, some just have better balance.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Fegan []
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:40 PM
Subject: [ChurchBass] [HUMOR] ...just remember I'm only the


In my pursuit of trying not to take life too seriously:

A guy shows his friend his pet salamander and his friend says:

"Hmmm... interesting, whaddaya call it?"

"Tiny," says the pet owner.

"Why's that?" asks his friend.

"Because he's my newt."

HA! (sorry 😉

You might have to have someone read it to you in order to hear the punch
line. FWIW, if I ever got a dog, I'd have to name it "Peeve," just so I
could really have a pet peeve. I wonder if anyone has ever named their
Llama "Dali."

...okay, so it's been a long day. Think I'll take cover behind my bass
before the tomatos become airborne.

In Christ,
Tim "wishingihadan8x10cabfortimeslikethis" Fegan <
"I have never met a person I could despair of,
or lose all hope for, after discerning what lies
in me apart from the grace of God." --Oswald Chambers

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