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Re: [ChurchBass] {MUSIC} Interesting Recording Session

Posted by: wulf <wulf@...>

Marc <> shared:

> All I can say is that Tillman and Lydia really touched me,
> and made me realize a little more about what's really
> important in life. PLEASE pray for Tillman and his wife as
> he prepares to go home....

That was great, Marc - in our rushed, selfish world, it's
encouraging to know that some still know the art of dying

It reminds me of a song by Garth Hewitt - "May you live
to dance on your own grave..." - it sounds like Tillman is
getting ready to dance. Blessings on him, and on his
wife, family and friends who'll be left behind.


Wulf Forrester-Barker <//<
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