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RE: [ChurchBass] [TECH & GEAR] Neophyte Soundguy

Posted by: cwstairs <cwstairs@...>

Hi Henry-
You might want to consider having CAT5 cable within your snake
for expandability - there are ever increasing opportunities there. Find
out from other sound men what they think of that. We are controlling
both sound and media from the rear of the sanctuary, and the CAT5
element is a big part of that. There are also great monitoring
capabilities in having CAT5, as in the ability to have separate monitor
mixes for specific people on the platform.
Have fun!

"At some point, every generation must accept that their day of dominance
is passing. They needn't accept lesser standards from the rising
vanguard, but they must understand that there will always be different
methods and varied means in expressing praise and worship to the Lord."

-----Original Message-----
From: henry a scally []
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:45 AM
Subject: [ChurchBass] [TECH & GEAR] Neophyte Soundguy

Fellow CB'ers;

I am suddenly finding myself involved in the rebuilding and
modernizing of the church sound system, and my Worship Leader (who is
also in charge of sound) has given me some tasks to perform. We are
completely remodeling the stage area of our sanctuary, and wanted to run
a new snake for our PA system, with an eye toward expansion later. We
were looking at the possibility of adding a monitor mixer, and more
monitor channels (we currently have two, mixed from the main board) and
this is something I know very little about. Does anyone have any
suggestions on a good monitor mixer, and am I going to need a separate
power amp for each monitor channel? How do I get the signal from the
main board to the monitor mixer? Do I have to run another complete
snake? How many monitor channels do some of you have in your system?
I'm hoping to add at least 4 more channels to our setup. Currently we
have a Mackie 24-4, with old Crown and Yamaha power amps (I'm not sure
how old they are) and a 3-way crossover (that I do not think is being
used any more due to the fact that we no longer have subwoofers.)
There is also a 'feedback destroyer' in the chain that I haven't figured
out how to use yet.
I know some of these questions are 'dumb', but please bear in mind
that this is a completely new field to me, and while the church is
sending both myself, our lead soundman (I'm the 2nd stringer), and our
Worship leader to school to learn sound, we've only just started, and
haven't progressed that far yet.
Any help that you gentlemen and ladies can offer would be most greatly

Hank Scally

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