Re: [ChurchBass] {THEOLOGY} (No more South Park,Tim!!)
Quote from Forum Archives on October 30, 2003, 4:27 pmPosted by: mbutts <mbutts@...>
: Re: [ChurchBass] {NBC} Question & South Park> At 11:10 AM 10/30/2003, you wrote:
> >In conclusion, feel free to question my faith Douglas.> Douglas wrote:
> Okay, let me apologize here. It was not my intent to question your faith,
> and I'm truly sorry that what I wrote came across that way. Please
forgive me.No apology neccesary, and definitely accepted. I apologize as well if
anything seemed like an attack on you and your beliefs.I'm a little more defensive than usual, because of the situation my Nazarene
church is going through. We have a very inspired and challenging staff, but
half the time they spend their time responding at bullets fired at them from
the rear. Last Sunday was a brilliant sermon where he basically told the
church to get off the teat and start eating meat.Like many congreagations, we have far too many folks who are comfortable
with what they have always done, and define their faith by what they don't
do and how many times they attend church, all the while looking askance at
"wild" minority kids changing their comfort level, keeping their Sunday
School classes as a closed society, and ruthlessly defending any perceived
slight at the way they were taught to believe.Monte
Posted by: mbutts <mbutts@...>
> At 11:10 AM 10/30/2003, you wrote:
> >In conclusion, feel free to question my faith Douglas.
> Douglas wrote:
> Okay, let me apologize here. It was not my intent to question your faith,
> and I'm truly sorry that what I wrote came across that way. Please
forgive me.
No apology neccesary, and definitely accepted. I apologize as well if
anything seemed like an attack on you and your beliefs.
I'm a little more defensive than usual, because of the situation my Nazarene
church is going through. We have a very inspired and challenging staff, but
half the time they spend their time responding at bullets fired at them from
the rear. Last Sunday was a brilliant sermon where he basically told the
church to get off the teat and start eating meat.
Like many congreagations, we have far too many folks who are comfortable
with what they have always done, and define their faith by what they don't
do and how many times they attend church, all the while looking askance at
"wild" minority kids changing their comfort level, keeping their Sunday
School classes as a closed society, and ruthlessly defending any perceived
slight at the way they were taught to believe.