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{RE: Distance to Church Revisited}

Posted by: dpknowlton <dpknowlton@...>

Preston provided the following table of driving
time to church:

Bass 30 min.
A Gtr 60 min.
E Gtr 60 min.
Drum 60 min,
Piano 25 min.
Keys 30 min.
Violin 2 min.
Singer 5 min.
Singer 15 min.
Singer 35 min.
Singer 30 min.
Singer 30 min.
Singer 15 min.
WL 20 min.

So, based on my previous experience the first
group arriving at the church will be the
guitarists, drummer, and bass player, followed by
the keyboard players and Worship Leader. Then
the singers and violin last - all of them at
least 30 minutes after the other musicians!

Dan K.
Sorry, it is my cynical day!

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