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Re: Drag and Drop

Posted by: ArtVandals <ArtVandals@...>

A couple of questions...

I have just installed the D&D filter into a PG project, very easy, and it
all works pretty much as it should. However there are a couple of things
I would like to be able to do.

Within the same project, I have a string list and a text window. I want
to be able to drag from the edit fld of the list to the text wnd (which
works) and have a carriage return inserted automatically.

How do I get this to happen? There doesn't seem to be any field changing
messages going on with the text window. I assume there must be some PG
events to say where it is being dropped, but before I start
experimenting, I thought I might take the lazy way and ask.

Q2.. Ideally, I would be able to drag items directly from the string list
to the edit window. The items in the list get highlighted as soon as the
mouse goes down. Is it possible to intercept and process this event
before the drag stuff begins?

Q3. Within the string list itself, is it possible to drag items up and
down the list, instead of the fairly slow move up and move down? I assume
I'd have to extract the string item on the mousedown event and get the
drop posn with the mouseup even, and sort things out from there, but I've
only done mouse events in Hypercard where it is fairly easy.


John Clark
Aeronaut Automation
30 Kennedy Place Bayview 2104 Australia
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