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Re: Fwd: New Character Classes

Posted by: tparmm <tparmm@...>

This is very cool. I'm gonna try and add it in our next game. 
Thanks for sharing. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 24, 2015, at 6:54 PM, Ed Backell <> wrote:

Hello, everyone. I hope I'm using this list correctly - 

My name is Ed Backell, and I'm the pastor at Warden Community Church, in the little town of Warden, Washington.
I've also been a Dragonraid player since it first came out. I still have my initial box set, which I have kept in good condition, and now I'm able to play it with my teenage children. It's been pretty great.
Years ago, I began work on some additional resources for DR. I see that you have listed some additional character classes. I have written two more, and I'd like to share them with you.
HighOne's Hermit
(AG+2SC+EN+QM+RME+EE) / 7 = 8 or greater
The HighOne's Hermit had dedicated himself to faith in the Overlord and his protection over those He loves. Thus, the Hermit carries no weapons; rather, he has made an extensive study of bodily self-control and hand to hand combat techniques as his only means of defense against physical evil. When this LightRaider prepares himself for a day* of living out his faith in the HighOne by saying the HighOne's Meditation WordRune, Psalms 1:2 - “But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” - he raises his faith raiting by one point for the duration of that day*. When a LightRaider qualifies for HighOne's Hermit status, he receives a permanent bonus of up to +3 on his hand-to-hand combat rating, and a +1 on Quiet Movment, Blend With Surroundings and Evade Enemy.
1st Adventure as Hermit . . . . . . . . . . +1 on Hand-to-Hand
2nd Adventure as Hermit . . . . . . . . .  +2 on Hand-to-Hand
3rd Adventure as Hermit . . . . . . . . . . +3 on Hand-to-Hand
(ST+AG+2EN+KN+VIS+EE) / 7 = 7 or greater
The WeaponsMaster is a specialized LightRaider whose sole purpose is to destroy evil for the Overlord. He must have a Hatred of Evil of 4 or more, but being a WeaponsMaster is a specific call from the High One, allowing the character to have a master of some weapons and abilities to use more than 3 weapons.
Level   To Hit Mastered* Able to use/Non Mastered *When a weapon is mastered, WM will 
   1 +0 1 3/2 never do less than half damage possible for 
   2 +0 2 3/1   that weapon. WM will be able to learn how
   3 +1 2 4/2 to use unknown weapons with a +35% 
   4 +1 3 4/1 ability, and use weapons requiring optional 
   5 +2 3 5/2 character abilities (Battle Axe, HE; Spear, 
   6 +2 4 5/1 SE) without having said ability (treat as 4). 
Levels progress as 1 MU for every 5 game
hours of practice or combat. 
I'll be posting an attack chart for a list of animals for wilderness adventures soon.
I hope this enhances your DragonRaid play!
KFJ - Pastor Ed
Warden, WA

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