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RE: Please pray

Posted by: eric <eric@...>

Take it from someone who's moved well over a dozen times now.  It possible to survive 🙂
-----Original Message-----
From: Lighthouse Church' []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 5:21 PM
To: DragonRaid Discussion List
Subject: [DragonRaid] Please pray

Dear Friends
Please be in prayer fopr me over the next few months.  I just found out that I am going to lose my home of 32 years.  My half brother owns the house and says he wants me out.  Pray that I will find a new place to live soon.  I was 4 months old when we moved to where I live now and I have never moved before and that scares me.  My family is coming apart over this.  My sister Susan wants me to come live with her in Idaho.  Right now I am staying as calm as I can and waiting on God to give me some guidance as to what to do.
Your prayers are always appreciated.
Patrick Barden