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Re: SaltWarriors

Posted by: asiddall <asiddall@...>

I personally do not see the problem with "tactical fabrication" in
desperate times. Some feel that it would be wrong even if say; in Nazi
Germany to lie to the SS about if there were Jews hiding in your basemant.
I think that is utter lunacy, God doesnt want us to be stupid. I mean, in
the Old Testament the Israelites had to use covert action to spy out and
infiltrate enemy strongholds and lands plenty of times, and nobody batted
an eye. Even Jesus kept a low profile when needed.
Considering the terrible danger of having an actual dragon come down on
the LR's and threaten innocent people if ones activities were detected, I
say lie away if it means protecting the innocent. Using a disquize, moving
under cover of darkness, or even walking on tiptoes are all deceptive
actions, and not in and of themselves wrong, its when they are used for
murder or wrongful theft that a sin becomes evident.
I guess it all comes down to whether or not you are lying for selfish or
otherwise slothful reasons (rather than just taking action and settling it
there and then etc). I would lie, cheat, steal, or kill to protect my loved
ones. And I would be right to do so. But I dont believe that I should do so
purely for gain or out of perverse pleasure etc.
What do you guys think of this sort of moral quandry?


At 03:16 PM 4/28/05 -0400, wrote:
>I was wondering...
>SaltWarriors live in the Dragon Lands, serving and leading Once Borns to
salvation, right? I had the impression that they also lived a somewhat
covert lifestyle.
>Now with soldiers and raid teams, we discourage against any "spy/covert"
action because it is akin to lying (believing that the ends do not justify
the means). So how does it work for SaltWarriors? Does the OverLord place
some sort of protection over the SaltWarriors? Or do they live in some
level of secrecy?
>The level of exposure to Once Borns would give way to greater exposure to
dark creatures, dragon soldiers and the dragons themselves.
>How does this all work itself out?
>Just wondering...
>blessings to you,
>dan knight
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