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Re: Dragons attack priority

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Stephen writes:
> On page 21 of the AM Manual, under part B, Normal
> Combat, it states that dragons attack second.

> However, in the e-mail that was sent a few years ago
> on dragon combat (I think by Joe) said that dragons
> always attack first. Which is it?


During combat, LightRaiders always attack first, their opponents second.

But, LightRaiders cannot attack a dragon until the dragon has started the
fight. Additionally, dragons always start with Mind Speech, but this
does not allow the LightRaiders to attack. The dragon has to attack
physically before the LightRaiders may attack with physical weapons.

A lot of times, I have the dragon run through all of its Mind Speech
before attacking physically so that the LightRaiders have to refute the
Mind Speech. No sense writing all of that stuff if you don't use it 😉
