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Re: [Expense] At the, of others regardless

Posted by: basschips <basschips@...>


Since it was my tag you copied. I feel must respond to your suggestion
that I was calling people names. To clarify. I was calling peoples'
actions or behaviors (in this case their use of language), arrogant,
self righteous, judgmental and pious. Comparing those sins as being no
different from the sin of blasphemy. Pointing the finger and having 3
fingers point back at the one pointing and the person pointing doesn't
even realize it. Somewhat of a skitoma.

Also I think there is a name for people who call people names. "Name

If you would like to discuss this further please email directly and
maybe we can get to know each other better.

Chip Yeager

Ace said:

>I am glad that Ashdown issue is past us, aren't you? Whew!!! Some
have >called others names like: Arrogant, self righteous, judgmental
and >piousness,
>which is no worse than being blasphemous... Part of this is a copied
tag, >yet I have seen others call other names. Isn't there a name for
those >that name call?

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