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Re: FB Newsgroup

Posted by: tatewake <tatewake@...>

X-Archive: No

I think through the list change madness my message didn't go through this

Just my 2k; even though I was way for this before, now that I see how much
spam I get in my work email from posting to 2+ newsgroups I can surely say
It's not worth it.

What i do think, however, is that if we keep the mailing list separate from
the newsgroup, that's fine. Joining them and innocent people get "spammed"
is not good.

Yep, I was a big pusher for the newsgroup before 🙂


Also... Lemme mention that I've found this list being mirrored at: (Glen told us about this)

Surprisingly at:
and another site(which I can't remeber)...

Oh well, meaningless replication of data will be a means to an end, I
guess. Illinois' tax dollars at work. 🙂

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