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Re: FOR loop

Posted by: friedo <friedo@...>

On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, PEREIRA CHRISTOPHER A wrote:

> I was told in my 'Introduction to C programming' class that the FOR-NEXT
> structure is executed as a special case of the DO-UNTIL structure.
> FOR i = X to Y STEP S
> execute this!
> NEXT i
> is really executed as ...
> i = X
> DO
> execute this!
> IF S >= 0 THEN INC(i) ELSE DEC(i)
> UNTIL i > Y
> My instructor _could_ have been wrong ...
> _Chris

That's interesting. it makes sense...the second structure is exactly what
the logic of the FOR loop should be. If, in the DO UNTIL structure, i is
initially greater than Y, would C execute the loop or just skip it? I'm C

- Mike