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Re: [FUTUREBASIC] Mysterious compiler behaviour...and a geek joke.

Posted by: GBeckman <GBeckman@...>

In a message dated 11/7/97 3:13:21 AM, you wrote:

>1. I'm writing a program to graph and analyse various financial markets.
>When I change something and compile the program for testing, it usually
>works fine from a compiler perspective. But sometimes it doesn't draw the
>graph properly. Then if I quit FB and start up again, without recompiling
>any include files, my graphing program will draw the graph properly.
> I thought this might be a problem with using stale data from the data
>cache on my 040 processor, so I put in code to flush the cache at the start
>of my program. The mysterious compiler behaviour still continues.

Sounds like you are fouling your memory somewhere. Pointer? Out of bounds
on an array?

>2. And just now, after making a minor change to an include file and
>attempting to recompile, the compiler told me that the include file had not
>been compiled or was missing. Yet it did not want to compile it when I
>tried to compile the project. Quitting FB and starting it again put the
>checkmark beside the include file and solved the problem.

When you save in FBII you will notice a split second after the save, the
check marks are refreshed. If you save and run in two really quick key
presses, you will bypass FBs effort to put in the check mark (and flag the
file) for a recompile. Comes from hurrying too much. I only do it about 1/2
the time any more. *smile*

Hope this helps,