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Posted by: format <format@...>

>this might be dumb, but how do I determine if my FB app is running on a power
>mac? Also, since FB doesn't compile PowerPC code, is there a way to make the
>emulation faster? I mean is there a speed difference between certain calls in
>emulated code? For instance would CALL OFFSETRECT be faster than offsetting
>the rect manually because it is a call from the toolbox, and not custom lines
>of code? Any insight would be appreciated.

It is *always* quicker to setrect, offsetrect by hand rather than
toolbox. The gain will differ on machines, but you'll always be at least

dim t,l,r,b
t = 1 : l = 1 : b = 30 : r = 30
call framerect( t)

is quicker than:

call setrect( t, 1,1,30,30)
call framerect( t)



' format utile - studio de graphisme/graphic design studio '
' mail: 16, rue Baudin, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France '
' phone: +33 1 47 15 26 15 - fax: +33 1 47 59 95 06 '