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Re: G3 Macs

Posted by: BMichael <BMichael@...>

I finally have some "stats" on my G3 and other easily-accessible Macs
that'll be of interest to you folks; namely the comparative FBII compile

The "large app" I compiled is my current project; main, glbl, 28 include
files, total source size 823K, resource file 1.4 Mb, compiled size 1.7
Mb. The .main was the only file open when "compile all" and "build
project" were chosen. IIci time is +/- a minute; I may have dozed off in

Mac IIci (68030/25)

> Whetstone & RC5 benchmarks not run; too slow to bother...
>FutureBasic "Compile All" on large app; 15 minutes, 30 seconds. (930 secs)

604/120 (PowerMac 7600/120)

> Pass # 02: 5 outer loop(s), 2000 inner loops(s)
> Elapsed time = 18.83 seconds
> Whetstones = 53097.35 double precision kilowhets/second
>RC5-2.001+ rate = 320 kkeys/sec
>FutureBasic "Compile All" on large app; 2 minutes, 25 seconds. (145 secs)

603e/200 (PowerBase 200)

> Pass # 02: 5 outer loop(s), 2000 inner loops(s)
> Elapsed time = 12.32 seconds
> Whetstones = 81190.80 double precision kilowhets/second
>RC5-2.001+ rate = 527 kkeys/sec
>FutureBasic "Compile All" on large app; 1 minute, 58 seconds. (118 secs)

750/233 (PowerMac G3/233)

> Pass # 02: 5 outer loop(s), 2000 inner loops(s)
> Elapsed time = 9.15 seconds
> Whetstones = 109289.62 double precision kilowhets/second
>RC5-2.001+ rate = 685 kkeys/sec
>FutureBasic "Compile All" on large app; 56 seconds!

Yes, the G3/233 is _twice_ as fast as a PowerBase 200 at FB compiles!
Over 2.5x as fast as a 7600/120, and almost 17x as fast as a IIci!
ClubMac has them for under $1900...

Need I say that I'm _very_ impressed with this new Mac? 🙂
