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RE: Heather- days

Posted by: ashevillenc <ashevillenc@...>

I'm glad your son has asked for help as theis could very well lead to something more serious.  I never thought about becoming addicted to cough syrup.  Would this be more of an alcohol addiction I wonder?  Still, people should take this seriously.  I can't imagine why someone would just make something like this up so why not help him.  Have you called AA to see?  

Marci had a new posting on her caring bridge but I don't know the exact alternative treatments she is having.  I can't imagine how hard this is on her as she is such a doer and get it done kind of gal!  We have to continue to pray.

In Him,


> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 05:39:55 -0400
> Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] days
> A big warm up here today in the 30's. I take my oldest son to a
> new office for a new appointment. He moved back,k home yet again
> after another fall to addiction. He is asking for help this time.
> He is very frustrated as no one takes him seriously for this main
> addiction. Being cough syrup, it is not illegal and he isn't on
> parole and being mandated to seek treatment. He has almost gone to
> the brink of giving up if this appt. doesn't help. Offices have
> shifted him around in circles for two weeks now. Hoping this will
> be the answer. My brother on the other hand has moved down to
> live with my parents and it has helped the morale of my dad
> tremendously. Wondering how our friend Marci is doing, and
> curious as to just what alternative treatments she is pursuing
> other than the steroids. Leaks everywhere due to the thawing, and
> heaving has made closing all the doors impossible! Thank goodness
> for our barking dogs!
> Heather
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