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Re: He's back

Posted by: kiyo <kiyo@...>

At 12:59 AM 11/19/97, Mike Friedman wrote:
> Just wanted to let everyone know that after a long abscence I'm back on
> the list. I look forward to nerd-talking with everyone again
> - - -
> Mike Friedman | The Internet Link Exchange
> | X091917 - - - - - - B000509
> |
> It's better when you're alone because nobody knows you.
> It's better when you have no friends because nobody leaves you.
> -- The Wallflowers

It's even better when you're not alone because somebody might be your saviour.

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Kiyoyuki Kisimoto /+81-298-54-3597(voice),-3589(fax)/
Research Counsellor, Japan Geological Survey
1-1-3, Higashi, Tsukuba 305-8567
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