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Re: high school/college credit

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Here in MN and in many other states a high school student can take a college
level course and receive both HS and college credit. The course is listed
as an AP (advanced placement) course on their high school transcript. Many
people take these courses through local community colleges, however, I
understand that many Universities are now offering these courses via the
net. We have a friend that has a son that has taken two AP courses via the
net from the University of MN and they will also be credited on his UofM
transcripts when he enters next Fall. In addition, for those of you that
may be using the Learnables foreign language studies, they are also
available for college credit in an AP status. Go to their web site and all
the details are there. I believe the credits are available through the
University of Nebraska but I can't really remember which University. Deanna