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Re: A beautiful Fall morning

Posted by: marciblu <marciblu@...>

So, you are not living in your home, but in a RV?  I try to picture your place in my mind, but I am sure I am not on the right track.  😉 
It is always good to hear from you.  We miss you when you are gone. 
Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: <a href="">Suzi
To: undisclosed-recipients
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 10:22 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] A beautiful Fall morning

Good morning ladies,

It is crisp and cold here again this morning with snow expected on Thursday, so am trying to get as much done inside and out before the weather changes.  We had snow on Casper Mountain in August and off and on since, but they are expecting much more this time.  Our water supply hose froze the other day causing me some inconvenience, so will store some extra and stock some disposable dinnerware for emergencies.

Been a lot going on here.  Brought Mayleen home to her new house a week ago Thursday and she really loves it.  Have been shopping for her and fixing a few meals, cleaning, taking care of the cows not that they are back again (51 days they were in the northern part of the state), and getting propane tank full.  Still need to get more furniture, but that will be done a little at a time.  Things are slowing down now, so am working on a schedule to benefit us both, especially a little more time for me and the things I need to do around here and having a social life again (that's you).

Bill is working out of town again, south to Rawlins this time, but will be going back north to Sundance again.  We still need to get this RV ready for winter, put a hot water heater in--been taking showers at the truck stop between sponge baths--and getting a bigger power source.  We are plugged into an outlet in the house right now.  The sink is too small for my plates, so am giving Amy the set and adding new ones that fit.  Need to get a new mattress, memory foam, this one is causing serious back problems for both of us.  Also need to move the RV closer to the house, both for power and for wind protection, this place really rocks and rolls in the wind. 

Amy is doing well, in spite of 4 broken bones in her wrist.  She had a seizure and fell.  Waiting to see if she will need surgery or if the healing is going well.  She will be in town mid- October for her doctors appointments.

Someone mentioned getting a mouse and keyboard for their laptop.  I just got a new one, couldn't stand using the laptop keyboard and touch pad.  I always buy the Logitech cordless set for about $40.  Works well for me.  Also got a set of Logitech speakers to improve the sound since the speakers are under the laptop (duh).  Now I can hear everything better.

Well the laundry didn't get done yesterday, so will be doing it today along with Mayleen's.  Also want to thoroughly clean the bedroom.  Want to do a room a day this week plus work on getting the house empty.  The ceilings in the bathroom and dining room fell in with the rains we had.  Will be giving the dining room set to a family whose dad helped clean out Mayleen's place and built the new well house.

I will be catching up on group activity as I can during breaks and evenings since Bill isn't here.  Right now I need to eat breakfast--running late on that--get started on my work around here.  Also need to get some groceries later today.

Have a wonderful day and keep well and safe.  Looking forward to catching up on things.

Love and hugs,

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