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RE: a busy week

Posted by: rsssjm <rsssjm@...>

Hi Pat,

We start school this week, our fifth year. Just this morning I got
out early and pulled all the spent crops from our garden and turned the soil
with a digging fork. We have four raised beds; four feet wide by 10 -
12 feet long by 10 - 12 inches high. We live in GA and the soil was so
dry. I'd really like to set up some type of soaker hoses or something in
the beds but the hose is on the side of the house and the five foot chain link
fence is between the garden and the hose connection. I'm going to go look
and see if they have some way I could bring the hose to the back yard, at least
that would make turning the hose on and off a lot easier. Right now we
have to go thru the house or all the way around it to turn it on and

I've always wanted one of those Heartland wood cook stoves. What kind
did you buy? Is it the kind where you can heat your home too? Have
you cooked with a wood stove before? Some people try to discourage me from
buying one saying it's too hot here in GA for one. What do you all
think? If you have a wood cook stove do you feel like it heats up the
house too much during the summer?
