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Re: A new season.....

Posted by: savedsoulseternity <savedsoulseternity@...>

It is 12:15 and I am up coughing off and on. I seem to have a lot of phlegm. I use this time to do devotions and check my email. The weather has been rain off and on. It looks like I will be able to hang out clothes tomorrow. Yay. I love it when I can hang them out. I was just thinking Marci is with her favorite animals and none will ever die. They are in perfect health. I guess I still have work to do here a little longer. Souls to win to Jesus and lay hands on the sick for healing and pray for the captives to be set free. Then I can go home too. I will get to see Marci face to face and Jesus my savior. There is a song: What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, when I look upon His face the one who saved me by His grace what a day glorious day that will be. 🙂 love you all Bonnie from Maine

On May 1, 2015 12:10 AM, "P McCammon" <> wrote:

It is so hard to believe Marci is no longer here on this earth isn't it?  We pray for her family daily, for their comfort and peace in this new season of life for them.  I pray too that Brittany becomes with child to bring some joy into their broken hearts.  I think Marci will be helping out with this. :). I look forward to seeing her.

We have a festival to play at Sat and I have a sore throat.  Please pray for me asking the Lord to soothe my poor throat and to strengthen my voice.  I have overdone it since the flu we all had.

How are ladies doing?  What is the weather like around the country?  It has been nice here in the Blue Ridge Mountains , chilly but with sunshine.  Tomorrow it is suppose to be in upper 40s.  I have the window open...listening to the wind....peaceful to me.  We serve an amazing God.  He is so forgiving and gracious.  How do people live without Him?  Are we not lucky to be chosen?  
We are for the most part recovered from this terrible flu!  It just kept lingering on as it tore through each of us.  Willow had pneumonia and was the sickest of us all.  Poor wee one.  

The girls and I are going into town tomorrow for our trip to Whole Foods and then Wal-Mart and maybe Barnes and Noble our favorite store to visit.  
I think of Mike and all he has been through and how he will need so much compassion and support.  I also think of Johnathan and Brittany as well as Marci's father and brothers.  Marci leaves such a large whole in so many lives.  

Blessings to all of you.  Have a good day and serve the Lord with a free and loving heart.

In Him, Patricia

To: ;
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 10:19:44 -0700
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Uplifting, soaring song



This man not only
has a great message but also a beautiful

The weather is
cold, but his voice and song warmed up his visitors








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