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Re: Another Goodbye on the Farm

Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

I know it's hard to say goodbye to your sheep. I always adored lambs on the ranch. I miss my goat babies every year, but I don't miss the work, the expense involved, or the hassles.
Dh and I have decided we'll try to re-home our hens once the new bags of feed are gone....about a month or six weeks. One or more or them is eating eggs which means multiple trips to the coop each day to grab the eggs before they get eaten. I thought we had figured out which hen(s) was doing it, but not sure now. My main egg customer that was buying 6+ dozen at a time has something going on in her life...maybe marital problems. She and her boys are currently staying about 75 miles from here so she's not buying eggs from me. So, we're back to spending $30 per month for the eggs we use. We committed to buying an older boat today from dh's co-worker and want to be able to go to the lake when we can without having to line up someone to gather eggs and close up the chickens. Mark wants to spend these remaining child-raising years camping, boating, fishing, etc., as often as possible.
We've had some more rain and very cool temperatures this evening after a hot afternoon.
Lisa NM


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