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Re: Baby goatie

Posted by: smarties <smarties@...>

I have no experience with cocci, so I don't know what to say. It sure
wouldn't hurt to give her some slippery elm, to south those intestines and

----- Original Message -----
From: "Duane and Julie Banks" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 1:41 PM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Baby goatie

Hi everyone. I got a call from the vet this morning and Pebbles does indeed
have coccidiosis. To me it seems real odd being I have treated them for
that and followed the directions. I am waiting for the vet herself to call
me right now, it was the vet tech who called this morning. In your honest
opinion from what I have told you, do you think miss Pebbles is going to
make it?? She has been sick for over a month now (I treated her right away
when I suspected coccidiosis). Her eyes seem a little brighter today..but
maybe just my imagination because I dont want to believe she is going to
die. From what everyone told me, coccidiosis eats wholes in the intestines
and one would think that after over a month of this that there would be
nothing left of her intestines. Has anyone heard of goats with bad cases of
this actually recovering? Thanks again for your help. Blessings, Julie