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Re: Cane creek, Amish Auction

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


I'd call directory assistance for the phone number of the Cane Creek Store.
Call the store and ask. They usually have all the flyers posted and it's a
big selling day for them so they usually know when it's going on.

In regards to the Pioneer Maid. A friend of mine gets them up here in MN
but they've gone up nearly $300 each since y2k. If I were you I'd advertise
at the Cane Creek Store for one? I believe if you find Perry Glick down on
Russell Creek he can help you with a new Pioneer Maid or Kitchen Queen. On
Cane Creek you could stop by Ely Mast's house. His house is easy to find.
He's right on the main highway. It's a big brown house set back off the
road but very visible with a BIG barn next to it. They are almost ALWAYS
selling something. Even if it's bread and cookies. Just ask around. The
guy in Ethridge is probably going to give you the same price as you'd find
on Cane Creek. They usually have stoves for sale at the auction but check
them over VERY CAREFULLY. If it's an Amish family selling the stove it's
probably shot. If it's an English person consigning it , they can be in
excellent shape. There have been some brand new stoves auctioned as well
but they usually go for more than you can order one for. I know some
mentioned on this list not to buy stock at the auctions and I usually agree.
The Cane Creek auction is an exception. It's more like going to a big
garage sale that friends are having. We purchased excellent animals at that
auction and typically could speak with the owner before the auction ever
began. I remember when we bought our Jersey the auctioneer asked the owner
if he wanted to say anything about his cow and calf. The Amish man stood up
and told everything he could think of and then the auction began. Sorry I
can't be of more help. I've not lived there for a couple of years and so am
sort of out of touch with current happenings. Deanna