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Re: Clara, Carolyn - anyone else in storms?

Posted by: mctbeardorton <mctbeardorton@...>

I am ok here. it has been really cold have a couple inches of snow. schools ,college, and malls closed.  we are supposed to be up to 55 Thursday. that will feel like a heat wave. Further south they are having lots of problems Kids had to stay in some schools . Did they just not believe that it was going to be that bad .because I saw on tv where they were showing that it was going to be ice and snow. I think it was in Alabama.  I didn't make it to church sunday I just don't drive when it is that bad. I don' know if it is my mail or is it just slow on list. haven't heard from patricia, susi, michelle  in ages. Stay warm and safe, carolyn
-----Original Message-----

From: Amazing Graze Farm <;

To: homesteadheaven <;

Sent: Wed, Jan 29, 2014 6:48 am

Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Clara, Carolyn - anyone else in storms?

Praying that you are all
safe.  Please check in with us.  We are supposed to start a trend to a
bit warmer starting today.  It is -22° this morning.  I am ready for
some warm.  🙂

Only by His merciful grace,

Mike & Marci

He is no fool who
gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim



Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill,
Champion Juicers and lots more!!!

----- Original Message -----

<a title="" href="">Larson Family

Marci, I don’t doubt that a bit.  I stopped and paid the light bill
before I went to work yesterday and it was –28 on the bank here in town. 
Lots of vehicles that wouldn’t start.  There was one big truck stranded
along the highway.


On Sunday when I was with DH it was as bad as he’s ever seen it. 
He’s been driving truck both over the road and locally for over 40 years and
he said it’s never been that bad.  I debated long and hard if I would go
with him and something (I know it was the Holy Spirit) told me to go. 
It’s a good thing that I listened because for a few miles I was his
eyes.  The whiteout didn’t allow him to see beyond the front left corner
of the truck.  We were on a 4 lane highway and couldn’t stop for fear of
getting hit.  I could see the white line along the right side to know
where we were in the lane.  There was twice that he thought we were
moving and we weren’t because it was solid ice underneath us.  I didn’t
look in the mirror but he said once the trailor was jack-knifed almost
sideways from the wind.  It was empty so there was nothing to hold it
down.  Situations like that you deal with and then really see the hand of
God later when it’s over.  So thankful we were kept safe.


It’s only –1 this morning and supposed to get up to 20 today with lots of
sunshine!  Exciting.  Then some more snow tomorrow.  The weird
thing over the weekend with the huge drifts is that the entire upper midwest
only got 2-5 inches but it just kept blowing and blowing.


Thinking of those today who are in the ice storm in the south in areas
where they don’t have the equipment, clothes, etc. to deal with situations
like this.  Stay safe, especially Clara and


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