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Re: cows/TN

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


Have you ever been to the Cane Creek Market in Lobelville? Look for
Centerville on your map, then go west and you'll find it. They have an
auction usually the second week in October and often milk cows are sold.
The other option is to go to the Cane Creek Market with a nice 3x5 card ad
saying you are looking for a milk cow. Stick it up on the bulletin board,
make the little tear off fringes with your phone number on it and the words
milk cow. Otherwise I find folks took my entire ad. I won't be surprised
if you get a call soon. The milkers are often used to be handled by children
and are seasoned milkers. They like the Jerseys and Brown Swiss there, you
won't find any Holsteins. My friend Alison was able to purchase her cow as a
bred heifer for $500. The cow soon calved and they had an abundance of
milk. Having a milk cow didn't work out for them. Right now is a good time
to go because all the Amish have their road side signs out for things they
sell. If you just stop at a few farms and ask you may strike gold. Not to
mention you can get some great produce AND hit the bulk food Mennonite store
at the same time. Make a day of it!....Deanna