Re: craft project
Quote from Forum Archives on May 6, 2017, 10:09 pmPosted by: townfarmer <townfarmer@...>
oh my....Have been thinking of you Kathie and wondered how the winter treated you. Will all the melting snow affect you?Spring is slow in coming to Wisconsin. Frost is predicted for tonight again, so my flowers will remain unplanted. Hope to get them in sometime next week.Spent today helping cut brush at our church’s new facility. It’s a beautiful property that was purchased from members who offered it at a great price. We are turning the multi-car garage into a sanctuary. Exciting for a congregation that isn’t quite 3 years old!Take care.From: KathieSent: Saturday, May 6, 2017 7:08 PMTo: Homestead HeavenSubject: [HomeSteadHeaven] craft projectHave you ever seen a craft project go terribly wrong? What do you think, Clara?How are all you ladies?
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Posted by: townfarmer <townfarmer@...>

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