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Re: Dear Ladies

Posted by: redsock <redsock@...>

 She would think of her motherless children until God pointed out that they belonged to Him anyway.  He had loaned them to her for a time to help take care of them.  He could take better care of them than she could.  Then when she was sentenced to die, her prayer was not for a quick and painless death, but that she would die with a smile on her face and a song on her lips so that even in death, she would glorify the Lord. 
   Tremendous, Marci.  Thanks so much for sharing this.
    My DH has an ancestor who was captured during a war and was told he would be tortured to death.  He must have been a Christian - his response was, "Then I shall bear it patiently."  I don't know if he was depending on God to do this, but why else would anyone respond that way? 
   We're not here to please ourselves but our God.  Shall we not trust Him and bear patiently whatever His faithful hand delivers?