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Re: Debbie/dresses again

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


I didn't add my two cents on this issue because the other gals said what I
would have said. I did want to mention one thing. When I switched to
dresses hubby liked me in dresses....BUT.....he feels that sometimes I look
a bit old fashioned. One day he said "don't you have anything else to
where but jumpers or a dress that looks like a jumper with sleeves?" It was
then that I realized that he felt I didn't look fashionable and for him it
wasn't a matter of me not wearing dresses as much as a fashionable issue.
He works all day with suit wearing fashionably dressed women at his office.
He definetly wanted me to look modest. Since that time I've tried to make
an effort to look for dresses that are more fashionable but modest to wear
when I leave home. However, when I'm at home I'm still the jumper queen
because they are so easy to work in. He's been very happy with this