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Re: Debra

Posted by: UNEEDJC7 <UNEEDJC7@...>

I know the situation you are in right now is hard, it is wearing you down and
you don't understand. However, please be reading the bible for it says that
the Lord knew from the foundations of the world that this day would be here
and that you would be in need of assistance. His Word is what is going to
sustain you right now along with all of the prayers that are going up for you
and your husband.

There is a reason that this has happened. The Lord is working in so many
areas of this situation that you need to be strong in your faith that all
things work together for good to the glory of God. Don't let the devil
defeat you or lie to you and bring fear to your heart. Tell that fear to go
in Jesus' name. Jesus has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love
and a sound mind. That means that even when we don't understand the whole
picture He still does and we need to trust, have faith and patience. It's
easy to get frustrated with the "system" but it only drains you and steals
from your children. They need to see your faith in the Lord and how you are
leaning on Him right now. Pray with your children, help them to have faith
to believe that whatever happens the Lord has His hand in it and is
controlling it. The bible says what the devil means for evil the Lord can
turn it around and make it for good. Help them to pray for that right now.
Even when we make mistakes the promises are still true and still there for us
to hold on to.

The Lord may need your husband's presence elsewhere to be a testimony for Him
or He may have already been working on the po's heart and this will just
further that. Remember, the devil will not sit back and watch someone on the
brink of eternal damnation turn and walk toward the Almighty God. Satan
knows what he lost in his rebellion against God and does not want ANYONE to
be able to go where he once sat. He will bring whatever he can against you
to make you turn around and forsake God, but the Lord says to be of good
cheer for He has overcome the world. The devil is the prince of this world,
the Lord is telling us that He has overcome the devil. We can too. We are
more than conquorers through Jesus Christ. Jeff used to be on the road
toward hell and now he is on the road toward Heaven. It's not an easy road
since the devil is constantly setting traps and putting up things to bring us
confusion. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own
understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

Lord, Give Debra strength, wisdom, peace and the means to provide for her
family in this trying time. Give Jeff the same and the mindset that telling
the truth will set him free. You promised in your Word, Lord, that if we
knew the truth (Jesus) then it would set us free. You not only died on a
cross to set us free but you also became our Heavenly Father and look
everyday to free us from the tentacles of Satan. Thank you for that Lord.
Also please touch the heart of Cindy, let her see that you have changed
Jeff's life and that you can do the same for her. Wrap your arms of love
around all those involved in this case and draw all nearer to you Jesus.
Help Debra and Jeff to be patient and trusting in you even though it looks
hopeless. For you are that peace that passses all understanding and the way
where there is no way. Bless them indeed Lord and let your truth and freedom
prevail. Thank you Jesus.

God will be with you. :o)

Sandy Covelli
Miracle Acres Farm
Caledonia WI
"Providing New Beginnings and Happy Endings"
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